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May 17, 2024   
CAND Conference 2024!

Join us for our virtual conference starting May 27, 2024. Program outline and registration details below.

Program Outline

Monday, May 27th: 11am-1pm EDT

Session 1 (11:00-12:00): Dr. Kelly Lambert, RD, PhD - Associate Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia                     

Nutrition Literacy: What kidney dietitians need to know.”

Session 2 (12:00-13:00): Laura Quennville, RD & Isabelle Guindon, RD - Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa, Canada     

Plant-based protein: benefits in CKD and dialysis population.

Tuesday, May 28th: 11am-1pm EDT

Session 1 (11:00-12:00): Doug Cook, RD, MHSc - Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Toronto, Canada                                           

CKD and Gut Health. What's the Connection?

Session 2 (12:00-13:00): Carla Avesani, PhD, RD; Associate Professor in Nutrition at Karolinska Institute, Sweden                                 

“Chronic kidney disease and ultraprocessed food: Double trouble.

Wednesday, May 29th: 11am-1pm EDT

Session 1 (11:00-12:00): Dr. Carla Prado, PhD, RD - Professor and Registered Dietitian at the   University of Alberta                       

“Body Composition Assessment: A Timeless Competency for Dietitians”

Session 2 (12:00-13:00):    Franky Liu, RPh – Renal Pharmacist, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Ontario, Canada

Leafy Greens and Life Machines - a brief discussion on the use of botanicals for modifying appetite in CKD populations

Thursday, May 30th: 11am-1pm EDT                                                                                                                   

Session 1 (11:00-12:00): Carrie Johnston, RD, MSc - a Registered Dietitian at Hamilton Health Sciences, Ontario, Canada                   

“Fueling Recovery: The Role of Nutrition in Wound Healing”                                                                 

Session 2 (12:00-13:00): Alice Sabatino, RD, PhD; Post-doc Researcher - Karolinska Institute in Sweden                                                 

“Sarcopenic obesity in CKD: beyond BMI and muscle mass”

Friday, May 31st: 11am-1pm EDT                                                                                                                         

Session 1 (11:00-12:00): CSN-QUIS Committee

Session 2 (12:00-13:00): CAND National Meeting (All membership)

CAND would like to thank our corporate partners Otsuka and Amgen for their educational support of this conference:

AMGEN logo


Otsuka logo

Instructions for Registration

This event is FREE for CAND Members. For non-members interested in attending this exciting event:

1. Canadian non-members: $50 registration fee payable via e-transfer to

2. International non-members (including U.S.): $50 USD registration fee. Please email for payment information.

To register, go to and follow the steps as outlined below.

Graphic displaying steps to register for CAND conference at Enter your email and you will receive a magic link to enter the site. Click on private events tab and access using code: CAND24 and hit Go. Click on the events to confirm attendance.

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